Available Tickets


An exquisite Badaga tasting meal & evening filled with rare Badaga cultural performances
Child Friendly - Yes
Pet Friendly - No
23 December 2023
4:30 PM to 8:30 PM
50 seats only
Adult -  
3000 INR
Full Price
Children -  
1750 INR
See Full Price


Among the hills of the Nilgiris, this feast will take participants through a journey of history, music, customs and food traditions, as Dr. Suresh Belliraj offers a glimpse into the local culture.

Prepared by skilled Badaga chefs, the menu will infuse local millets along with other native ingredients from the Nilgiris' bounty. Rich offerings of Badaga food staples and traditions will range from game and foraged goods to unique treats deviating from traditional fare. Imagine a world of culinary delight as you savour the seamless infusion of sweets and dairies into grainy goodness, mirroring the mindful traditions of Badaga cuisine.

Step into the rhythm of Badaga devotional music while Suresh brings participants to experience the culinary artistry passed down through generations. A keynote speech and interactive insights into the traditions await, with a provided pamphlet to enhance participants’ experience and local understanding of unique traditions, such as the tradition of crafting distinct moonshine from potato and jaggery.

Suresh, alongside his sister and mother, will bring the essence of their family's traditional cuisine to Odae restaurant. Don’t miss your chance to relish this vibrant fusion of flavors embracing the rich collective of cultures and traditions that define this captivating region!


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What's the agenda?


The event begins at 4:30 PM with a musical segment featuring Badaga devotional and cultural musical pieces, enriched with conversations on their significance and traditional nuances, led by Dr. Suresh Belliraj.


At 6:30 pm, we'll transition to a keynote speech by a notable guest. This will be followed by Dr. Suresh Belliraj's talk on the traditional meal and produce, with attendees using a provided pamphlet for an interactive experience.


The tasting menu will commence with dishes centered on millets, dairy, foraged foods, and game, echoing dietary traditions before outside influences. Subsequent dishes will incorporate ingredients and cooking methods introduced by the British, Europeans, and other Indian communities. The event will culminate with a main meal that blends culinary traditions from both eras.
